2022 Easter Floral Dedications
Floral Remembrances - Easter 2022
Given in Loving Memory of:
Given in Honor of:
Given in Loving Memory of:
- My parents, Dorothy & Harry Kohl, by Susan Birchfield
- Connie Boswell, by Rick and Holly Boswell
- George and Michael Burke, by Penny Burke
- Betty Lou Grotteria, by Penny Burke
- Our parents, by Mickey & Ellen Cline
- Our parents, by Salid and Judy Davari
- My parents, Steve & Lori Gremban, Heidi Everett
- Ragland Fletcher, Yate’s father, by Yates & Gwen Fletcher
- Bill and Mozelle Williams, Gwen’s parents, by Yates & Gwen Fletcher
- Dora & Curtis Gibbs, Henry’s parents, by Onita & Henry Gibbs
- Louise & Wesley Stack, Onita’s parents, by Onita & Henry Gibbs
- Connie Culpepper & William Stack, Henry’s sister & Onita’s brother, by Onita & Henry Gibbs
- Francis Giesbrecht, husband, by Peg Giesbrecht
- Kathy Giesbrecht, daughter, by Peg Giesbrecht
- Helen Wieler, sister, by Peg Giesbrecht
- Gary Govert, husband, by Ellen Govert
- Colin Harvey, by John & Barbara Harvey
- Rita Lang, by Paul & Sarah Lang
- My dad, Warren Schneider, by Cynthia Stewart
- David Voss & Gary Govert, by Lynn Voss
- Bill & Jean Mundell, by Richard Wood
Given in Honor of:
- Our children, Jillian & Andrew, by Ian and Jane Dunbar
- All parents & great-grandparents, by Mike and Laurel Callis
- Our children & loved ones, by Paul & Sarah Lang
- The ministries of CPC, by Nancy Smith
- My parents Thelma A. Viser Woody, John G. Viser, and Joseph R. Woody, by Peggy Viser
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