Middle and High School Youth are part of the intergenerational fabric of the Cary Presbyterian Church faith community. We gather most Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00 for food, fellowship, faith development, and fun. We also engage in community service on a regular basis. Check out the Youth Events calendar for further details.
Confirmation — 8th & 9th Graders
Confirmands meet in person monthly as they explore their faith and dive into spiritual practices. Additional retreats and meetings with mentors enhance their journey towards church membership.
We have a Confirmation Class meeting throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
We have a Confirmation Class meeting throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
The CPC Youth and Family Ministries Team seeks to:
- Provide places for youth and their families to explore their faith in a non-judgmental environment of loving support.
- Develop ministry programs that are relational, formative, and consistent with reformed theology using creativity, openness, compassion and grace.
- Inspire honest and authentic conversations exploring faith and how we experience God.
- Offer a strong foundation for continued spiritual development as our youth move into the world to share God’s love.
- Give opportunity for youth to be involved in the full mission of the church through participation in worship and outreach ministries.
- Provide an environment where our youth can form lasting relationships with adults outside their immediate family.