Health & Wholeness

Our Health & Wholeness Ministry supports the physical, emotional and pastoral care needs of members and friends of the congregation.

This network of coordinated care is guided by CPC’s Pastors, our Parish Nurse, and Deacons. The Pastoral Care Team gathers weekly to review pastoral concerns and needs as well as prayer requests shared during Sunday Worship.

Caregiving Ministries

Congregation members support our Pastoral Care Team in several caregiving ministries.
Cary Presbyterian's Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one compassionate listening and ongoing support to individuals experiencing loss or transition in their lives, such as the death of a loved one, illness, unemployment or divorce.
Home Plates provides frozen soups, stews, and entrees to congregation members and friends who could use a little extra care and comfort during any difficult or disruptive time. Please contact the church office to join this fun freezer meal ministry team or to request a meal delivery for yourself or another in need.
Members of our Prayer Shawl Ministry spend time together knitting and praying over shawls and blankets that are given to those who could use comfort at challenging times in their lives. If you or someone you know would appreciate having a prayer shawl, or you would like to be part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please call the church office or use the contact form below.
Al-Anon is an organization for people who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. A group meets weekly in our church library.  You can find out more about the group by calling our church office or using the form below.
Members of the Card Writing Ministry send warm thoughts and encouraging words to those who are included in our "Joys and Concerns" shared during Sunday worship. Camille Lambe coordinates this ministry. You can contact her through the church office.
For more information about the Health and Wholeness Ministry at CPC, either to participate or to request support, use the contact form below, or call the church office at 919-467-8700.

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