Cary Presbyterian preaches and teaches financial stewardship from a Christian perspective on a year-round basis. This philosophy is based upon Jesus‘ teaching that our stewardship of money strongly shapes and influences our relationship with God and our neighbors. It also reinforces our vision of ministry by which CPC strives to love, nurture, equip, challenge and send forth all its members to do God’s work in the world.
Sixteen of Jesus‘ 38 parables refer to the faithful management of finances, and He repeatedly portrayed our approach to money as a primary determiner of our heart’s spiritual condition. This is also reflected in the whole of Scripture. Sixty percent of its 2,350 verses are related to financial and property matters.
CPC's financial stewardship emphasis is a conscious effort to differentiate our focus on stewardship from fundraising, which emphasizes the need of the congregation to receive. Our focus is on the need of the giver to give, as Jesus consistently taught.
With gratitude, your CPC Generosity Team:
Donna Adkins, Barbara Carew, Mary Jane Donahue, Hal Drumheller (team lead),
Paul Lang, Rowena Morrison and Sandy Ogle