Faith Formation for Adults
Faith Formation for Adults
Seeking the Good Life — A Study of Virtue
The Book of Jeremiah offers the following dry assessment of the people of his time:
“Thus says the LORD:
Stand at the crossroads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” [Jer. 6:16]
It begs the question, though, “What are these ancient paths, these ‘good ways’, and how are we to walk in them?” The Pastor’s Class aims to answer by making a survey of moral philosophy focused on the concept of virtue. First, we will examine the basics of moral philosophy as a foundation upon which we can then engage in a careful study of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Pastor Paul will teach about each of these in turn and will suggest a paring of deadly sins with corresponding virtues which we might pursue to avoid the sins. Come join us and bring a friend!
Seeking the Good Life — Earlier sessions are online
Earlier sessions of the Pastor’s Class on the Virtues are posted to the church app at this link. The audio files for the classes are also accompanied by a button to download a PDF of the slides used in the session.
Meeting ID: 821 3749 4129 Passcode: 614614
From March 2 through June 29 the Bible & Beyond class will study the history of Chrisitianity in the U.S. using selected lectures from the Great Courses' video series The History of Christianity II: From the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch.
The class is led by Alan and Lisa Ward, and conducted over Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Individual lecture topics included in the study are listed below.
- Sunday Mornings: 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Seeking the Good Life — A Study of Virtue
The Book of Jeremiah offers the following dry assessment of the people of his time:
“Thus says the LORD:
Stand at the crossroads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” [Jer. 6:16]
It begs the question, though, “What are these ancient paths, these ‘good ways’, and how are we to walk in them?” The Pastor’s Class aims to answer by making a survey of moral philosophy focused on the concept of virtue. First, we will examine the basics of moral philosophy as a foundation upon which we can then engage in a careful study of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Pastor Paul will teach about each of these in turn and will suggest a paring of deadly sins with corresponding virtues which we might pursue to avoid the sins. Come join us and bring a friend!
Seeking the Good Life — Earlier sessions are online
Earlier sessions of the Pastor’s Class on the Virtues are posted to the church app at this link. The audio files for the classes are also accompanied by a button to download a PDF of the slides used in the session.
- Wednesday Evenings: 7:30 to 8:30p.m.
Meeting ID: 821 3749 4129 Passcode: 614614
From March 2 through June 29 the Bible & Beyond class will study the history of Chrisitianity in the U.S. using selected lectures from the Great Courses' video series The History of Christianity II: From the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch.
The class is led by Alan and Lisa Ward, and conducted over Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Individual lecture topics included in the study are listed below.
- The First Great Awakening
- Religion and Revolution in the 18th Century
- The Second Great Awakening
- The Mormons: A True American Faith
- Slave Religion in the Americas
- Christian Missions and Moral Reform
- The Church's Encounter with Modern Learning
- The Social Gospel
- Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism
- Apocalyptic Faith in the 1800s and Beyond
- The Church and the Russian Revolution
- The Rival Gods of the Cold War
- Rebellion and Reform in Latin America
- Vatican II and Global Renewal
- Secularism and the Death of God
- The Gospel and Global Civil Rights
- Culture Wars and the Christian Right
- The Challenge of 21st Century Christianity
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