Stephen Ministry Support
Efforts to avoid the spread of COVID-19 have caused both physical and emotional isolation for many people.
Important and helpful conversations can take place via telephone and by computer (Zoom or FaceTime). CPC Stephen Ministers are congregation members who receive special training to provide confidential, one-to-one listening care to church and non-church members.
Stephen Ministers can also be helpful if you are experiencing grief, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, fertility issues and many other struggles of transition and change.
To learn how you or someone you know can receive care, please speak with a pastor or one of our Stephen Leader Referral Coordinators, Len Clark (919) 612-4302 or Linda Oglesby (919) 270-5980.
Important and helpful conversations can take place via telephone and by computer (Zoom or FaceTime). CPC Stephen Ministers are congregation members who receive special training to provide confidential, one-to-one listening care to church and non-church members.
Stephen Ministers can also be helpful if you are experiencing grief, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, fertility issues and many other struggles of transition and change.
To learn how you or someone you know can receive care, please speak with a pastor or one of our Stephen Leader Referral Coordinators, Len Clark (919) 612-4302 or Linda Oglesby (919) 270-5980.
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