Daily Primer — June 29, Bergen — Norway

Each day you will be given:
A Florilegium entry
A Daily Prayer
and a Night Prayer.
On this day we are commanded to abstain from all work, not because the law inculcates slackness. . .  Its object is rather to give man relaxation from continuous and unending toil and by refreshing their bodies with a regularly calculated system of remissions to send them out renewed to their old activities. For a breathing spell enables not merely ordinary people but athletes also to collect their strength and with a stronger force behind them to undertake promptly and patiently each of the tasks set before then.
These notes comes from my study of The Fourth Commandment: Remember the Sabbath Day - a book of Jewish theological thought about Sabbath by Francine Klagsbrun.
Florilegium is the Medieval Latin word for bouquet, or more literally flowers (flos, flor-) which are gathered (legere). The word florilegium was used to refer to a compilation of writings, often religious or philosophical. These florilegium are literary flowers—beautiful words/prayers/thoughts I have gathered.  During my sabbatical they will give me something to ponder each day. — PHL.
Lord of Love, you come to us as your word made flesh.  Yours is an incarnated love.  Help us not only to feel your loving embrace, but also to understand that we are now entrusted with the noble work of bringing your love to others.  As we make our way along the pilgrimage of faith, help us to be the sort of disciples who embody your love in word and action, in private and in public, always.  Amen.
John 1;  Liturgy of the Hours — PHL.
Father, bless me in my body,
Father, bless me in my soul;
Father, bless me this night
In my body and in my soul.

Father, bless me in my life,
Father, bless me in my creed;
Father, bless me in my tie
To my life and to my creed.

Father, sanctify to me my speech,
Father, sanctify me in my heart;
Father, sanctify to me every whit
In my speech and in my heart.
Carmina Gadelica: Hymns & Incantations collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Alexander Carmichael. #335.