115 Away in a Manger
Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing; the poor baby wakes, but little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.
I love thee, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky, and stay by my side until morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with thee there.
December is always a hectic time of the year – shopping, wrapping, baking, list making, and quite a few years ago, studying for final exams and planning for a wedding.
I wasn't sure how to concentrate my energy that was diminishing with each new day. I needed renewal or at least Sabbath – but really no time for that. So, I was thrilled when a package came in the mail from my aunt June in Florida. She had promised to send me a special housewarming gift. Just like an expectant child on Christmas morning, I carefully opened the box, unfolded each piece of tissue paper and wrapping that held my treasure, a hand stitched Crèche, truly the most beautiful, thoughtful gift in the world.
With amazing hand-stitched detail, there was the stable, complete with trough for the animals, and an upper door for two funky roosters. The animals included a brown-and-white cow with fluffy yarn tail, a gray donkey kneeling down, three sheep – one black, two white – and a shepherd boy holding a lamb.
Oh, and look at the magnificent Magi! Each King was more splendid than the last, their crowns spun with gold to match the gifts each brought to the Christ child. Next, I unfolded Joseph, carrying a pipe cleaner shepherd's crook, and Mary, so sweet, dressed in pale blue, both with halos of splendid gold. Then, the manger, so tiny and perfect for the sweet baby boy. What a labor of love! How many hours had my aunt spent stitching and creating this present for me. A treasure, indeed!
As I placed each piece, carefully positioning the kings and the shepherds and the animals and Joseph and Mary and the manger, I realized that Jesus was missing. Had I discarded the baby? How would I tell my aunt I had lost Jesus! I searched every bit of tissue paper wrapping and, thankfully, there He was!
Sometimes, in the rush of the holiday season coupled with an already busy life, we lose Jesus. That particular year, even in the midst of the busyness of the season, I made sure I knew exactly where Jesus was – right on the fireplace mantle where he stayed until Easter.
I wasn't sure how to concentrate my energy that was diminishing with each new day. I needed renewal or at least Sabbath – but really no time for that. So, I was thrilled when a package came in the mail from my aunt June in Florida. She had promised to send me a special housewarming gift. Just like an expectant child on Christmas morning, I carefully opened the box, unfolded each piece of tissue paper and wrapping that held my treasure, a hand stitched Crèche, truly the most beautiful, thoughtful gift in the world.
With amazing hand-stitched detail, there was the stable, complete with trough for the animals, and an upper door for two funky roosters. The animals included a brown-and-white cow with fluffy yarn tail, a gray donkey kneeling down, three sheep – one black, two white – and a shepherd boy holding a lamb.
Oh, and look at the magnificent Magi! Each King was more splendid than the last, their crowns spun with gold to match the gifts each brought to the Christ child. Next, I unfolded Joseph, carrying a pipe cleaner shepherd's crook, and Mary, so sweet, dressed in pale blue, both with halos of splendid gold. Then, the manger, so tiny and perfect for the sweet baby boy. What a labor of love! How many hours had my aunt spent stitching and creating this present for me. A treasure, indeed!
As I placed each piece, carefully positioning the kings and the shepherds and the animals and Joseph and Mary and the manger, I realized that Jesus was missing. Had I discarded the baby? How would I tell my aunt I had lost Jesus! I searched every bit of tissue paper wrapping and, thankfully, there He was!
Sometimes, in the rush of the holiday season coupled with an already busy life, we lose Jesus. That particular year, even in the midst of the busyness of the season, I made sure I knew exactly where Jesus was – right on the fireplace mantle where he stayed until Easter.